Kids' Fitness in School

Patti Howell is the creator and founder of the JAM (Just-a-Minute) School Program, which shows kids how important it is to make health and fitness a daily habit.

The JAM Program is now in over 30,000 schools, reaching 13 million students, and this past February hosted the nation’s first ever national fitness break, reaching a world record of almost 1.7 million people.
Kids' Fitness in School
Featured Speaker:
Patti Howell
Patti-HowellPatti Howell is the creator and founder of the Just-a-Minute (JAM) School Program. After successful careers in Fortune 500 careers, Patti is following her passion of helping kids and adults learn how to make health and fitness a lifetime daily habit. Patti’s work is focused on the importance of daily physical activity in order to perform at your personal best each day. The success of the JAM School Program in over 30,000 schools with 13 million students created our nation’s first ever national fitness break that has a world record of almost 1.7 million people who participated on Feb. 12, 2015.