
Video Capsule Endoscopy: Detecting Internal Bleeding
Featured Speaker: Dr. Andrew Meltzer
A breakthrough new screening method could help save your life. Learn how this "pill camera" works and why it's so revolutionary.
Rabies Treatment: Bitten By a Wild Animal
Featured Speaker: Dr. Rich O'Brien
Being bitten by a wild animal may seem like a far-fetched occurrence, but it can happen. Find out what you need to do if you are exposed.
Treating Dog and Other Animal Bites
Featured Speaker: Dr. Rich O'Brien
An animal bite can be frightening and even life-threatening. What steps should you take if you've been bitten?
Hidden Winter Danger: Carbon Monoxide
Featured Speaker: Dr. Sandra Schneider
Odorless and deadly, learn which clues you can look for to detect it, and how its presence puts your family at risk.
PTSD Could Be a Risk for Heart Patients
Featured Speaker: Dr. Donald Edmondson
A new study in JAMA suggests that there’s a link between ER overcrowding and post-traumatic stress disorder in heart patients.
Overcrowding in the ER can Cause PTSD in Heart Patients
Featured Speaker: Dr. Donald Edmondson
A new study in JAMA suggests that there’s a link between emergency room over-crowding and post-traumatic stress disorder in heart patients.
Women Be True to Your Heart, Change Your Lifestyle
Featured Speaker: Dr. Bruce Lobitz
Lifestyle changes that are necessary for a healthier heart are covered.
Women & Heart Disease: Know Your Risk Factors
Featured Speaker: Dr. Bruce Lobitz
What are the symptoms or signs of a heart attack in women? How do they differ from men? Who’s most at risk?
Women & Domestic Violence
Featured Speaker: Dr. Brigid McCaw
Domestic violence is a major issue all over the country. What are the warning signs? How can you protect yourself?
Which Vaccinations Should Adults Consider?
Featured Speaker: Dr. David John
A new report from the CDC finds many adults don’t have their recommended immunizations. Does this put you at risk?