
Advanced Directives: Provide Clear Instructions for Your Family
Featured Speaker: Dan Morhaim, MD
An advanced directive helps provide clear guidance to physicians when you are unable to express wishes yourself.
Halloween Safety: Costumes, Candy & Clutter
Featured Speaker: Bret Nicks, MD
Keep your kids safe this Halloween with important (even life-saving) tips and tricks.
Cold Weather Safety: Protect against Carbon Monoxide & Fires
Featured Speaker: David Ross, DO
Winter brings with it hidden dangers, including carbon monoxide poisoning. How can you best protect yourself?
Ladder Safety Tips: Preparing for Cold Weather
Featured Speaker: David Ross, DO
Dr. David Ross discusses ladder safety tips and how you can prepare for hidden dangers this Fall.
Tylenol Overdose: More Common than You Think
Featured Speaker: Dr. Gary Goodman, MD
Tylenol is one of the most common OTC drugs. But even a small amount over the recommended dose can be dangerous.
Survival Tips in the Wilderness
Featured Speaker: Dr. Hans House, MD
If you like being outdoors, camping or hiking, you need to know some important tips for "Wilderness Medicine."
Lightning: The Real Danger
Featured Speaker: Dr. Hans House, MD
Lightning striking humans is rare, yes. But there can be residual effects, even if you're not directly struck. How can you protect yourself?
Domestic Violence: Why Do Victims Stay?
Featured Speaker: Dr. Diana Fite, MD
One question you may ask a victim of domestic abuse is, "Why do you stay?" The answer is much more complicated than you think.
Domestic Violence: It Can Happen to Anyone
Featured Speaker: Dr. Diana Fite, MD
An approximate 25% of women have been victims of domestic abuse at some point in their lifetime. Could you be one of them?
Brain-Eating Amoeba: Rare but Deadly
Featured Speaker: Dr. Ryan Stanton
It sounds like something out of a science fiction horror movie, but these parasites are real and almost uniformly deadly.