RadioMD Podcasts

RadioMD offers all of its shows as Podcasts you can subscribe to and listen on the go. New segments will be downloaded to your computer, smart-phone or tablet so you can listen offline on your own time.  Just select a link to a show and subscribe to the podcast using your favorite software.

Some great software options:

iTunes (Windows/Mac, Free)

Not only is iTunes a popular podcasting manager in its own right, it helps that iTunes was the first introduction many people had to the idea of podcasting. Many a new iPod owner has installed iTunes over the years and upon looking at the navigation column asked, "What's a podcast?" Many of the tricks available in the music-management side of iTunes are available when managing your podcasts.

Juice (Windows/Mac/Linux, Free)

Juice—formally known as iPodder—is an open-source podcast manager. If you're looking for an extremely lightweight, no-frills podcast manager, it would be tough to get lighter and more streamlined than Juice. Juice is focused on grabbing podcasts, downloading them for you according to their refresh rate or your set schedule, and little else.

gPodder (Windows/Mac/Linux, Free)

gPodder looks like a simple no-frills podcast manager, but underneath the hood you'll find a huge array of options and some perks—like the ability to sync to iPods, directory-based portable players, and MTP-compatible players. gPodder doesn't include a built-in player but you can specify your favorite video and audio player.

Podcasts Links (RSS Feeds)

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