Selected Podcast

Cut the Crap: Clearing Out Emotional Clutter

Cut the Crap: Clearing Out Emotional Clutter
Americans have too much stuff. We waste an hour a day due to a lack of organization. Storage units and overstuffed garages hide our shame, stashing away things we don’t necessarily need but are compelled to keep.

7 Emotional Clutter Blocks

  1. Fantasy stuff for a fantasy life: You buy things for a future hobby or sport, but you never actually use the equipment. Be honest about the life you’re living now.
  2. Other people’s stuff: Other people gave you stuff that reminds you of them, even though you don’t use these things or have space for them. Honor their memory by getting rid of things you don’t need.
  3. Special occasion stuff: You don’t want to ruin things by using them. You deserve the best, so use that china and wear that silk blouse.
  4. Stuff that defines you: You’re the person who has the special thing or wears a certain color, so you just can’t get rid of the possessions that make you that person. Redefine yourself as the person who doesn’t have clutter.
  5. Stuff you’re avoiding: You have unopened mail or papers that might be important. Time to deal with things so you don’t have to give it your floor space and attention.
  6. Expensive stuff you just can’t ditch: You spent a lot of money for something but don’t use it for the intended purpose (or at all). Accept that you overpaid for it and take a lesson from it.
  7. Past stuff: You hold on to things from who you once were that don’t reflect your present. Live in the now and put the future there.
Listen as Tracy McCubbin joins Dr. Pamela Peeke to share how to clear out the emotional clutter.


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Featured Speaker:
Tracy McCubbin, Organizational Expert
Tracy McCubbin1Tracy McCubbin has always referred to herself as “obsessive compulsive delightful,” but who knew she could turn that trait into a booming business?

Nearly ten years ago, while working for a major television director in Los Angeles, Tracy discovered she had the ability to see through any mess and clearly envision a clutter-free space. Coupled with keen time-management and organizational skills, Tracy soon found more and more people were asking her for help. Before she knew it, dClutterfly was born.

Ten years and over 1,200 jobs later, dClutterfly has been named “Best in Nest” by DailyCandy and has received the Super Service Award from Angie's List for five years. Tracy is a regularly featured expert on KTLA Morning Show, KCAL9, and Good Day Sacramento. She and her company have also been featured in Real Simple, Women's Day and ShopSmart. Along with her team of expert dClutterers, Tracy is ready to tackle any project, big or small.

In addition to her impressive organizing tool belt, Tracy grew up with family members who hoarded and knows firsthand that the effects of living amongst an accumulation of possessions goes far beyond the home’s walls. This personal experience gives her an advantage over most professional organizers as she has a unique understanding of the mindset of the organizationally and spatially-challenged.

When she is not dCluttering, Tracy is the proud Co-Executive Director of OneKid OneWorld, a non-profit building strong educational foundations for children in impoverished communities throughout Kenya and Central America. OKOW is providing kids with the basic (yet essential) fundamentals like desks and books, as well as paying teachers’ salaries, building classrooms and even installing solar power technology so students can study at night. OKOW's most recent project #OneGirlOnePad will provide access to reusable feminine hygiene kits to over 4,000 girls in Kenya, allowing them to attend school all year round. OneKid OneWorld is Tracy's “full time, non-paying passion.”