Cannabis Grand Rounds is produced by healthcare professionals for healthcare professionals to provide accurate and unbiased education on all things cannabis. The show is hosted by Drs. Matthews, Vinocur and Altman, who are all physicians with Masters Degrees in medical cannabis science and therapeutics from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. The Podcast accepts no external funding or advertising.

Pharmacology 3: What Does CBD Do For Us?

From the Show: Cannabis Grand Rounds
Summary: Today we are continuing our pharmacology of cannabis series.
Air Date: 3/21/22
Duration: 11:53
Pharmacology 3: What Does CBD Do For Us?
Today we are continuing our pharmacology of cannabis series.

There are some wild claims about CBD when it comes to cancer. So we're going to clear up some of that for you. 

We'll also touch on GRP 55 receptors, CBD for seizures in children, and the problem with many CBD products on the market now.

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