Summertime is upon us and more and more of you are turning to the red hot trend of juicing in order to get that beach body.
Who could blame you?
You want to show off what's been hiding under layers of sweaters, coats and thermals.
You may have tried juicing before or just recently jumped on the juicing bandwagon. Either way, there are so many products out there to pick from; do you know which one is the best to use?
You've seen these juice companies pop up all over your grocery and health stores. Perhaps you're thinking it's an easier way to drink your juice than if you made it yourself.
These commercial juicers use the form of juicing known as cold press. This is done when machines first crush and then press the veggies or fruit for the highest amount of juice.
These machines do not produce a lot of heat, which keeps your veggies and fruits nutrients intact.
However, these juices are expensive and over time, if you're continuing buy and drink juice, you may want to consider getting a juicer for your home.
Don't worry; you don't need to break your bank in buying these juices. Juicers can range from $50-$200 and can be easily cleaned for everyday use.
How do you know which juicer is best for you?
Everyday Juicer Ray Doustdar shares why you should be incorporating juicing into your lifestyle, which juicer is best for you and the typical price range you can expect.