Remember being told as a child to eat your fruits and vegetables? At the time you may have thought your parents were torturing you, but they truly wanted you to get started on the path to a healthy lifestyle.
However, even if you kept up with their advice, you might not be eating enough fruits and veggies. Many adults and children are only eating a cup of veggies and a half a cup of fruit.
Why should you be eating more?
Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits is an essential part of an overall healthy diet. Both fruits and veggies are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help protect your body from disease and give you natural energy.
But should you eat the fruits and vegetables, or should you juice them?
Juicing is a great way for your body to absorb nutrients faster and more optimally, rather than simply eating your fruits and veggies.
However, juicing doesn't work the same way for fruits as it does vegetables. Fruit contains natural sugars, and by juicing them, you are removing any fiber that was bound within the fruit and you're left with just sugar. Using fruits in a blender to be used as a smoothie would be a better option if you're not into eating them raw.
Everyday juicer Ray Doustdar, joins Dr. Holly to share why you should be eating your fruits and veggies, the benefits you get from them and why juicing can help you obtain the right amount of vegetables and fruits you need daily.