You've probably heard over and over again that too much of anything is bad for you and to always eat sugary foods in moderation.
But, without even realizing it, you may be consuming more sugar than you think.
When you go grocery shopping, it's hard to imagine choosing anything in a box or can that doesn't have added sugar. Sodas, sports drinks, cereal, yogurt and even bread and crackers are all items that contain added sugar.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men consume on average 335 kcals of added sugar per day, and women consume 239 kcals. Adults are consuming 13 percent of their calories from added sugar, which can contribute to poor health.
This is an unhealthy habit, to be sure. But can you really be addicted to sugar?
They don't call it a sugar rush for nothing. When your body consumes sugar, it's turned into glucose, a simple sugar found in your blood. If you drank an eight-ounce soda or a candy bar, your sugar levels immediately spike, causing dopamine to release in your brain and resulting in a "sugar high."
While you're feeling great and untouchable, the other organs in your body are slowly suffering.
The scary part happens when you try to wean yourself off sugar. Depending on how much sugar you are consuming, your withdrawal symptoms can vary and include headaches, mood swings even the shakes.
The Everyday Juicer, Ray Doustdar, joins Dr. Holly to discuss the hidden dangers sugar has on your health and ways to become more sugar-conscious when buying groceries or eating out.