
Surviving An Affair

From the Show: Staying Well
Summary: Should the devastating heartache of an affair mean the end of the relationship?
Air Date: 2/4/13
Duration: 10
Host: Melanie Cole, MS
Guest Bio: Dr. Dana Fillmore, PsyD
Dana Fillmore head shotPsychologist, Dr. Dana Fillmore, has spent more than 15 years helping couples improve, revitalize and save their marriages and families. She has brought countless couples from the brink of divorce to feeling passionately, deeply in love again. Dr. Dana

Dr. Dana is the co-author of Happily Ever After: How To Be Happily Married To The One You Already Married and co-Founder of, the first online video marriage counseling system. Her proven methods have helped thousands of couples learn the skills they need to be happily married. Three out of four couples who learn and apply Dr. Dana's Marriage Success Skills say they WANT to stay together.
Surviving An Affair
Infidelity occurs in over half of all marriages. Support is one of the most important resources to access when you are trying to understand the emotions and feelings you're experiencing when going through the pain of infidelity.

Dr. Dana Fillmore, PsyD, provides marriage advice, coping mechanisms, and how to recover from the affair with, or without, your spouse.