
Featured Speaker: Susanne Bennett, DC
A little side dish of kimchi daily could make a huge impact on your health.
Vitamin D and You
Featured Speaker: Nicole Avena, PhD
Get your vitamin D from a variety of sources to support your overall health.
Dementia and Compassion
Featured Speaker: Tia Powell, MD
Since there is no cure for dementia yet, we must advocate for those living with cognitive decline.
Toxic Metals and Their Effect on Gut Health
Featured Speaker: Russell M. Jaffe, MD, PhD, CCN
How toxic are you?
Reduce Brain Inflammation
Featured Speaker: Thomas O'Bryan, MD
Reduce brain inflammation now to improve your health in the short and long term.
Brain Health for Aging
Featured Speaker: John E. Lewis, PhD
Support brain health as you age.
Wellness for Abuse Survivors
Featured Speaker: Meg Haworth, PhD
Healing from past trauma can support physical wellness.
Natural Healing: Defying the Odds
Featured Speaker: Shiroko Sokitch, MD
If you can't get a diagnosis from traditional medicine, there are alternatives that may help you.
You CAN Boost Your Confidence
Featured Speaker: Joan Rosenberg, PhD
Learn practical tips to gain more confidence.
Hormone Balancing Through Diet
Featured Speaker: Anna Cabeca, MD
The ketogenic diet can support hormone health.