
Headaches: Triggers & Treatments
Featured Speaker: Milo Tarighi, DPT
What's causing your headaches?
Fecal Microbiota Transplants
Featured Speaker: Saffron Cassaday, Documentary Filmmaker
Healthy poop can help heal the gut.
Life After Birth Control
Featured Speaker: Jolene Brighten, MD
What is the birth control pill doing to your body?
Addressing Anxiety with Essential Oils
Featured Speaker: Mariza Snyder, DC
Use essential oils to aid with anxiety symptoms.
Metabolism Reset Diet
Featured Speaker: Alan Christianson, ND
Boosting your liver's health can improve your metabolism.
Bioregulatory Medicine
Featured Speaker: Dickson Thom, DDS, ND
How can bioregulatory medicine help you?
Surviving Perimenopause
Featured Speaker: Anna Cabeca, MD
Navigate your way through perimenopause.
Long Face Syndrome
Featured Speaker: Joel Gould, DDS
What causes long face syndrome?
Role of Nutrition in Chronic Disease
Featured Speaker: Howard Jacobson, PhD
Take actions to improve life with chronic disease.
Correlation Between Jaw Alignment & Neurological Disorders
Featured Speaker: Leonard Feld, DDS, MES
Misalignment of the jaw can stimulate other physical and neurological conditions.