
Nature’s Secrets: Mighty Mitochondria to the Rescue
Featured Speaker: Susanne Bennett, DC
Each week, host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares her Nature's Secrets to a healthier body. This week: Mighty Mito to the Rescue.
Perfectionism: Debunking the All-or-Nothing Mindset
Featured Speaker: Jane Bluestein, PhD
Are you someone who is constantly striving for "the best of the best"?
The Perfection Deception
Featured Speaker: Jane Bluestein, PhD
What is so wrong with being perfect, or even just the concept of perfectionism?
Breathe & Relax: Simple Ways to Reduce Stress & Anxiety
Featured Speaker: Mary Heath, Author & Life Coach
Learn tried-and-true techniques to help ease stress and anxiety.
Get Your Life Back: Tips to Overcome Stress, Anxiety & Depression
Featured Speaker: Mary Heath, Author & Life Coach
If you understand the stress, anxiety and depression affecting you, you're far more equipped to ease the symptoms.
Nature’s Secrets: Keys to Solving Childhood Obesity
Featured Speaker: Susanne Bennett, DC
Each week, host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares her Nature's Secrets to a healthier body. This week: Keys to Solving Childhood Obesity.
Anti-Obesity Movement: Nutrition Tips for Both Parents & Kids
Featured Speaker: Ashley Koff, RD
With a childhood obesity epidemic in full force, how can we, collectively as a nation, encourage both adults and children to eat well?
Fit to Play: Exercise Is Key for Preventing Childhood Obesity
Featured Speaker: Corinn Cross, MD
While a healthy diet is essential for preventing childhood obesity, exercise is also extremely important.
Childhood Obesity: Causes, Demographics, Solutions
Featured Speaker: Melanie Cole, MS
Why is childhood obesity rising at such a rapid rate, and what can be done to stop it?
Short & Long Term Effects of Childhood Obesity
Featured Speaker: Melanie Cole, MS
As the childhood obesity epidemic reaches epic numbers, it is causing some serious short- and long-term health issues in our kids.