
The Right Mindset for the Right Diet
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Keeping yourself motivated while dieting or maintaining your weight can be a challenge. Here are tips for cutting back on sweets and other cravings.
Coping with Cold Sores
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Cold sores are EXTREMELY contagious. Once you experience the herpes virus outbreak, it becomes a recurring problem, which is why type 1 herpes should be taken seriously.
Handling Unhealthy Stress
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Stress management techniques, stress reduction and relief.
Can Anti-perspirants & Deodorants Lead to Breast Cancer?
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Many breast cancers develop in the part of the breast closest to the armpit.
Thyroid Cancer
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Thyroid disease can become thyroid cancer. The warning signs you need to be on the lookout for.
Dating, Sex and STDs After Divorce
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How to redefine safe sex in mid-life and the common STD's to know about when you are back in the dating world.
Using Your Senses to Trick Yourself into Eating Less
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You may think your love or hate of certain healthy foods is hard-wired in your taste buds, but it may not be.
Birth Control Options
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Learn the pros and cons for which kind is the best birth control and contraceptive for you.
Making Worry Work For You
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We all get anxious and worry, some more than others. Here's how to make worrying work for you, rather than against you.