
STD Spike for Post 50 Crowd
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People in their post 50s are in denial about the need to practice safe sex.
You're Not Crazy: It's Just Menopause
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How menopause affects their health, how to treat it correctly, and how to work with your doctors to do so.
The Ugly Surprise in Many Skin Care Products
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Do you know what's really in your beauty products? Some of your most trusted brands use dangerous ingredients...
Essential Winter Supplements
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Which are the most valuable seasonal supplements you need this winter?
Visit Your Dentist for Help with Sleep Apnea
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Have you ever consulted a dentist about treatments for sleep apnea and snoring? It's time to start sleeping more soundly.
Low Cost Ways to Keep Your Family Happy
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How to find the true joy in life for both adults and kids when times are tough.
Your Permanent Birth Control Options
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There are plenty of women who are done having kids but don't want to go under the knife.
Natural Ways to Treat STDs and STIs
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Some viral infections and diseases are resistant to drugs, but fortunately, not to herbs. Here are the ways to treat them using herbal medicine.
Nutritional Supplements: Facts and Fallacies
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We explore the safety, regulation, effectiveness and possible adverse side effects of nutritional supplements.