
Encore Episode - Naturally Heal Anxiety & Other Health Concerns
Featured Speaker: Carolyn Harrington, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner
Emotions affect your health in so many ways, weakening various parts of your body and manifesting as physical symptoms.
The Diabetes-Alzheimer's Link
Featured Speaker: Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
Dr. Teitelbuam discusses the link between diabetes, nutrition and an Alzheimer's diagnosis.
Power of Intuition
Featured Speaker: Pia de Jong
Pia’s instinctive decision upon her newborn daughter's cancer diagnosis, now known as “watchful waiting,” has become another viable medical option in many cases.
Encore Episode - Super Moms Everywhere: Quit Fooling Yourselves!
Featured Speaker: Nealy Fischer
Striving for the "super mom" status can be a losing battle.
Foods to Enhance Sexual Health
Featured Speaker: Erin Macdonald, RDN
Problems like erectile dysfunction, fatigue, stress, boredom, depression, disconnection, or a partner’s low libido turn sex into an ordeal, not a pleasure.
Vital Role Magnesium Plays in Overall Health
Featured Speaker: Carolyn Dean, MD, ND
Magnesium is an essential nutrient, indispensable to your health and well-being.
Discover the Healing Power of Bliss
Featured Speaker: Kavitha M. Chinnaiyan, MD
Transform your relationship with habits, lifestyle, health, and disease using Dr. Kavitha Chinnaiyan’s remarkable approach to health.
Ways to Incorporate Collagen into Your Daily Regimen
Featured Speaker: Tim Mount, CN, CCMH
Typically thought of as a "beauty protein," collagen has so many more whole-health benefits, including joint and bone health and hair preservation/regrowth.
Journaling for Success
Featured Speaker: Stacia Pierce, PhD
Have you been earnestly working at achieving your goals but haven’t manifested much? You may want to try "journaling for success."
Seasonal Tea: Cold Weather Remedy
Featured Speaker: Cindi Bigelow, CEO of Bigelow Tea
When the weather turns cold, there's no better remedy that a piping hot cup of tea.