
7 Nutrients to Keep Your Brain Young
Featured Speaker:
Omega-3s are known for their brain health properties, but they're not the only "good brain" nutrients.
Your Messy Brilliance: 7 Tools for the Perfectly Imperfect Woman
Featured Speaker: Kelly McNelis
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to your problems. There is no guru coming to save you. The truth is, you don't need any of those things.
Gut Crisis: Healing Your Microbiome
Featured Speaker: Robert Keith Wallace, PhD
Dr. Robert Keith Wallace reveals the hidden health crisis taking place around the world and discusses the most recent and effective treatment programs.
Learning from Life's Lessons
Featured Speaker: Julia Cameron, Author
All too often, we yearn for a more spiritual life but tell ourselves it's too difficult. But, the smallest prayer is heard and answered.
Women Over 40: Don't Make these Fatal Mistakes
Featured Speaker: Christine Horner, MD
There are common mistakes -- some of them fatal -- that women 40 and older are making.
Finding the Good in Every Situation
Featured Speaker: Joyce Knudsen, PhD
According to Joyce Knudsen, PhD, "Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is." Coping becomes the solution.
Body Image: Empowering Both Kids & Parents
Featured Speaker: Marci Warhaft-Nadler
Kids as young as five years old are concerned about being too fat or worried that their thighs touch. How did we get here?
Magnesium: Mineral of Life
Featured Speaker: Serena Goldstein, ND
We need multiple aspects of treatments for modern-day health concerns, not just one supplement or one pharmaceutical to make everything "go away."
How to Feed Your Gut Bacteria for Better Health
Featured Speaker: Desiree Nielsen, BSc, RD
Overall health starts in the gut. That's why it's so important to support the integrity of the gut wall. Two elements are important for "feeding" your gut bacteria for better health.
Not All Protein Drinks Are Created Equal
Featured Speaker: Kelli Rooney, CEO of Kura
Many individuals start their day with a protein shake or end their workout the same way. But, not all protein powders are created equally.