
What to Eat for a Healthy Pregnancy
Featured Speaker: Tamara Melton, RD
Pregnant or trying to get pregnant? What you eat is crucial to your new baby's health.
Keeping Your Resolution to Eat Healthy & Lose Weight
Featured Speaker: Jim White, RD
Have you made healthy New Year's resolutions in the past, only to fall short?
Low-Calorie Drinking for Holiday Parties
Featured Speaker: Joy Dubost, PhD
As the holidays approach, parties become numerous, as does the challenge of keeping your commitment to healthful eating and drinking.
Enjoy the Holidays without Weight Gain
Featured Speaker: Jennifer McDaniel, MS, RD,
Famous last words: “I’ll lose that extra weight after the holidays.”
Get the Real Details on Diabetes
Featured Speaker: Jessica Crandall, RDN
Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States, and it is estimated that 79 million Americans have diabetes.
The Healthy Side of Thanksgiving
Featured Speaker: Angela Ginn
The holidays are full of rich traditions and calorie-filled dishes. How can you eat healthier through the holidays and still maintain your figure?
Can You Eat Meatless?
Featured Speaker: Vandana Sheth, RD
There are a lot of healthy reasons to become a vegetarian.
The Cruelty of Judging Hunger by Obesity
Featured Speaker: Libby Mills, MS, RDN, LDN
There is no greater sadness or travesty than stunting the human potential.
Better Health with Whole Grains
Featured Speaker: Kim Larson, RDN
Eating whole grains is like adding health insurance to your life.
Dining at Your Desk May Cause You to Call in Sick
Featured Speaker: Joan Salge Blake, MS, RDN, LDN
According to a recent Home Food Safety survey, 83 percent of adults chow down a meal or snack at their desk, many in an attempt to save both money and time. Can this make you sick?