Crying serves several useful purposes for your baby.
It gives her a way to call for help when she's hungry or uncomfortable. It helps her shut out sights, sounds, and other sensations that are too intense to suit her. And it helps her release tension.
For parents however, this can be the most frustrating part of parenting.
How can you keep your cool and not be tempted to pick up and shake the child, or worse?
How do know that your caregiver is not feeling that same frustration that might cause them to take it out on your baby?
There are triggers and techniques to calm down and soothe a crying baby with out resorting to abuse.
Here are some tips to prevent an uncontrolled response to your childs crying: Take a deep breath and count to ten. Put your baby in her crib or another safe place, leave the room, and let her cry alone. Call a friend or relative for emotional support. Give your pediatrician a call to see if perhaps there's a medical reason why your baby is crying.