Working at a job that requires the use of repeated hand motions for long periods of time can be damaging to one of the most important parts of your body: your wrist.
If you have been ignoring those sharp, tingling and numbness pains in your wrist, hand or arm, there's a strong possibility that you have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.
The carpal tunnel is the narrow passage of ligaments and bones at the base of the hand. The tendons and nerves within the carpal tunnel, specifically the median nerve, become pressed or squeezed as they enter the hand through the wrist. The area of the wrist becomes crowded, which leads to inflammation around the tendons and results in irritation, swelling, burning, tingling and numbness in the palm of the hand and fingers.
It is generally difficult to distinguish a singular cause of CTS. Usually, the main reason is that the actual carpal tunnel is smaller in some people than in others. Other contributing factors include trauma or injury, typing, texting, use of vibrating hand tools, hypothyroidism and rheumatoid arthritis.
You would have to text or type for quite awhile for CTS to become a significant problem, but in this day and age, typing and texting that frequently is a normality. Many studies indicate that women are at a much higher risk then men.
Carpal Tunnel can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, exercises, braces, therapy and surgery if necessary.
Dr. Marc Arginteanu, MD, provides an explanation of CTS, the causes, symptoms and who is at risk for developing the condition.
He also explains the exercises, braces, therapy and surgery that can properly treat CTS.