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Does Your Juice Give You Complete Nourishment?

From the Show: Mindful Medicine
Summary: Learn how to get all the nutrients you need when juicing.
Air Date: 10/9/13
Duration: 10
Host: Dr. Holly Lucille, ND, RN
Guest Bio: Ray Doustdar
Ray Ray Doustdar is the CEO of BUICED Inc., and the creator of the all new BUICED Liquid Multivitamin, as well as the curator of Everyday Juicer, a website dedicated to helping people add fresh vegetable juicing to their daily lifestyle.

Through fresh vegetable juicing, Ray was able to bring down his cholesterol from 234 to 168 (down 28%) by incorporating juicing into his daily lifestyle.

During this time, he discovered that although the leafy greens are packed with phytonutrients, they lack many essential vitamins and minerals.

He tried taking vitamins in pill form after each juice, but they upset his stomach. Then Ray learned liquid vitamins are more readily available for easy absorption, so he decided to solve his own problem and created BUICED to "boost his juice."
Does Your Juice Give You Complete Nourishment?
After falling head over heels with fresh vegetable juicing, and doing this on an everyday basis, Ray Doustdar thought that it might be a way to do away with the vitamins that he had been taking since 2006. His pill form vitamins continually made him nauseated, and he was looking for relief.

However, after analysis, Ray's juices came back lacking the complete spectrum of essential daily vitamins.

Instead of just putting up with the discomfort and nausea, he once again set out to find a better way.

Join Dr. Holly and Ray to learn what he discovered, and how you can improve your daily nutrition as well.