Post-graduation from college, you may expect a huge paycheck and the best office in the building.
Newsflash: you have to be more realistic.
Sure, you've just secured your first job, but you have no idea how you will exactly fit in with the company. You're power-hungry but don't want to come off too strong, or as an overconfident newbie. How do you set a balance to not fit the stereotype of a "millennial"?
Millennials are known as Generation Y, born in the years between 1980-2000, and are characterized as self-obsessed, lazy and demanding everything be given to them... not something you want to prove true at your first job.
Having goals are important while building a career, but the choices you make can either help realize those goals or set you back for years of disappointment.
Author and Founder of a personal branding blog for Forbes, Dan Schawbel, shares the career advice essentials for success.