Articulate, passionate and humorous, Dr. Holly Lucille breaks down the myths and misconceptions about health and health related topics.

Getting Back On the Healthy Eating & Exercise Wagon

From the Show: Mindful Medicine
Summary: So you've broken your daily habit of eating right and going to the gym...can you get back into your routine?
Air Date: 5/28/14
Duration: 10
Host: Holly Lucille, ND, RN
Guest Bio: Ray Doustdar, CEO Buiced INC
Ray Ray Doustdar is the CEO of BUICED Inc., and the creator of the all new BUICED Liquid Multivitamin, as well as the curator of Everyday Juicer, a website dedicated to helping people add fresh vegetable juicing to their daily lifestyle.

Through fresh vegetable juicing, Ray was able to bring down his cholesterol from 234 to 168 (down 28%) by incorporating juicing into his daily lifestyle.

During this time, he discovered that although the leafy greens are packed with phyto-nutrients, they lack many essential vitamins and minerals.

He tried taking vitamins in pill form after each juice, but they upset his stomach. Then Ray learned liquid vitamins are more readily available for easy absorption, so he decided to solve his own problem and created BUICED to "boost his juice."
Getting Back On the Healthy Eating & Exercise Wagon
You know this situation all too well... you've been exercising and eating healthy consistently for a few weeks. But then, some type of event comes up that forces you to be surrounded by those foods you've been trying to avoid.

You decide to treat yourself and give yourself some extra calories and not to worry about going to the gym. The next thing you know, months have past since you've visited your gym, you've gained all that lost weight back and you're returning to square one.

How do you get back on the wagon?

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to get started again once you've stopped.

Don't beat yourself up about it; remind yourself that you are a human who is prone to mistakes and move on! The most important thing to do is take your process one day at a time, one step at a time and one meal at a time.

What are some other things you can implement when trying to get back into your healthy habits?

In this segment, Everyday Juicer, Ray Doustdar, and Dr. Holly Lucille explain why falling off the wagon happens. They also give you some tricks of the trade to help you jump-start your fitness and nutrition.