Have you noticed how many more people seem to have food allergies lately?
According to Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), an allergic reaction from food sends someone to the ER every three minutes.
That's more than 200,000 emergency room visits per year.
Is this a recent phenomenon? Or are we finally paying attention to previously undiagnosed problems?
Perhaps it's a little of both.
Somewhere in the last 50 years, we stopped cooking foods from scratch or using local ingredients and started to rely heavily on convenience foods. Not only does this tend to result in a lower quality diet, but it can also mean that the food you're eating is almost completely void of nutrients.
You may be surprised by some of the positive health changes that come about when you begin restoring missing nutrients to your diet.
Doug Ingoldsby, the founder of ALL ONE, joins Dr. Holly to explain how to restore the essential nutrients you need to maintain a healthier lifestyle.