Depression is something that's on a lot of people's minds these days, because it is so extremely prevalent in society.
But, while people are thinking about it; are they talking about it and actually doing something about the depression epidemic?
There is truly a stigma that surrounds the disease; one that often thwarts sufferers from asking for help.
Brian Cuban suffered under both the symptoms and stigma of depression for over 27 years. As a kid, he was bullied, both at home and at school. He developed severe eating disorders, became addicted to drugs and alcohol, and eventually almost succeeded in committing suicide.
Brian would sleep for 15+ hours a day and cry for no apparent reason. He neglected taking care of his appearance and isolated himself from friends and family. He even stopped caring for his dog.
Eventually, Brian realized that his untreated depression, combined with all his self-destructive behaviors, would take him over the edge.
And, when he came to the understanding that what he was going through wasn't about blaming others, he was able to really invest in his recovery.
Are Brian's symptoms typical of depression? And how could he have gotten so far as to consider suicide?
Everyone has a different story, a different experience. Your symptoms might not mimic his, but you may still feel helplessness and hopelessness in your life.
Many people talk about suicide being a selfish act. But, says Brian, when you become suicidal, at that moment in time it seems completely rational. You're not thinking into the future, because the future is just a big, black hole. In Brian's case, he truly thought he was doing his family a favor.
If you're suffering from depression, can medication be an answer?
Medication worked for Brian, but it may not be for everyone. However, there should be no stigma in acknowledging that medication can be a tool.
There is lots of trial and error with depression medications, which makes some people just want to give up on that type of treatment plan altogether.
Brian says, "Don't give up. When you keep thinking that no one loves you, think about who YOU love." Think about getting help so you can still be with the people you love.
Join Brian as he shares his very arduous journey with Andrea and Lisa, and offers advice for those who may be struggling as he did.