Garlic, fresh or as an extract, has a ton of beneficial health properties.
Aged garlic extract in particular has become the hot subject of many research projects as of late.
To create the extract requires a full three-year process, which begins with organic, raw garlic grown on farms under strictly controlled organic conditions, without the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides.
Through research, scientists and doctors like Dr. Matthew Budoff have discovered that aged garlic extract is extremely effective at lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and reducing inflammation.
In fact, in four recent randomized trials, the extract was shown to slow (or reverse) the process of plaque build-up in the arteries.
In regards to inflammation, the extract serves a whole-health approach. Inflammation occurs when fat cells and other cells in your body produce an environment that "stirs the pot," so to speak, for heart disease and other ailments. It has been linked to cancer and a variety of other diseases as well. A chronic state of inflammation is truly detrimental to the body.
Who benefits most from aged garlic extract?
The extract can be taken by someone who already is experiencing cardiac disease, or those who have multiple risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and family history of heart disease.
It can also be very beneficial in a preventive state.
Alongside aged garlic extract, Dr. Budoff advocates his "ABCs of health," which include the following:
A: baby aspirin
B: blood pressure
C: cholesterol
D: diet
E: exercise
F: fish
G: garlic
Dr. Budoff joins Lisa to explain what aged garlic extract is, as well as how it's been shown to be effective in slowing and even reversing the effects of heart disease.