
Therapeutic Plants for Healthy Breasts

Summary: Are there specific nutrients in plants that can prevent breast cancer?
Air Date: 4/1/15
Duration: 10
Host: Mike Smith, MD
Guest Bio: Véronique Desaulniers, DC
Verpnique DesaulniersDr. Véronique Desaulniers, better known as "Dr. V," has maintained successful practices in the Wellness Field since 1979.

Because of her passion for health and wellness, Dr. V undertook extensive studies in various fields of Energy Medicine. Specializing in Chiropractic, Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, and Digital Thermography, Dr. V brings a unique approach to Health and Wellness. After 30 years in active practice, she decided to "retire" and devote her time sharing her personal, non-toxic healing journey with Breast Cancer.

Her years of experience and research have culminated as The 7 Essentials ™, a step-by-step coaching program.

Dr. V is a #1 best-selling author and has a #1 Best Selling book on Amazon, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally. Her website and her personal healing journey have touched
the lives of thousands of women around the globe.
Therapeutic Plants for Healthy Breasts
Keeping your breasts healthy is extremely crucial for women of all ages. Even if your family doesn't have a history breast cancer, you still could be at risk.In fact, the two most common risks for breast cancer are being female and getting older.

According to Susan G. Komen's website, within 2015, it's estimated that there will be 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer survivors.

What are some therapeutic plants that you can use to help boost your breast health?

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers joins Dr. Mike to discuss why it's so important to maintain your breast health and which plants can be used for therapeutic purposes.

RadioMD Presents:Healthy Talk | Original Air Date: April 1, 2015
Host: Michael Smith, MD

Living longer and staying healthier. It's Healthy Talk with Dr. Michael Smith, MD. Here's your host, Dr. Mike:

DR MIKE: I'm here with Dr. V. She's been in the wellness field since 1979. She has an interesting step-by-step coaching program called "The Seven Essentials". She wrote a wonderful book called, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally. Dr. V, welcome to Healthy Talk.

DR V: Thank you so much, Dr. Mike.

DR MIKE: So, we were finishing up the list of tests that are available for early detection. I want to mention something quickly. Dr. V, my training is in radiology. That's my specialty and when I was a radiologist--this was back when I was a resident. This was back in the late 90's, early 2000, MRI was becoming big for breast cancer detection. There were even thoughts that it would replace mammogram. Obviously, that hasn't happened, but I just want my listeners to know that's another option as well. It's a non-ionized radiation option for people, MRI. It's been shown to be very sensitive for finding breast cancers.

Now, all of those other things you mentioned, though, is there a place my listeners can go to learn about some of those early detection tests?

DR V: Yes. You can go to my website, Just go to "shop" and then go to "Essential Number 7 – Early Detection" and you'll see a list of early tests you can choose from.

DR MIKE: So, Dr. V, with your patients, what are some of the nutrients you use when it comes to preventing breast cancer in your own practice?

DR V: There are so many things you can do. One of the simplest things is making sure that your vitamin D levels are at optimal range, between 80-100 in mg/ml. Don't guess when it comes to your health. Get your blood tests done. So, vitamin D can slash your breast cancer risk up to 83% according to a most recent Canadian study. Iodine is extremely important. We know that there's a correlation between a low thyroid and low iodine and breast cancer. Women that are on thyroid medication have had twice the likelihood of developing breast cancer than those who don't. So, iodine is extremely important. Looking at cruciferous vegetables, for example. Very, very important because they're great detoxifiers and they help to metabolize and methylate that estrogen. A supplement called (?diamonite) C3 which has the extract from the cruciferous vegetables to help metabolize that estrogen. Healthy oils. Olive oils, flax oils, fish oils, all those things are so important. Matcha green tea, which has 100 times more of the EGCGs then regular green tea and the list goes on and on.

DR MIKE: Yes. Yes. By the way, listeners, everything that Dr. V just listed, again, going back to the conventional research, they're all well-supported. We're not making this stuff up. You can go on PubMed. You can find all kinds of studies looking at breast cancer prevention, treatment, decreasing risk, mortality with all those nutrients that you mentioned.

So, I've got your book here, Dr. V. Heal Breast Cancer: Seven Essential Steps to Beating Breast Cancer. So, I'm going to encourage my listeners to go check it out. It's on your website, right? I'm sure they can get it there.

DR V: It is and it's on as well. Yes.

DR MIKE: So, I don't want to go through the Seven Essential Steps. I want my listeners to check it out for themselves, but the chapter that I really liked was about therapeutic plants. I'm actually on page 166 and you talk about you used a combination of 4 main categories of therapeutic plants. You call them tumor terminators, body builders, nourishing nutrients and favorite foods. So, why don't you just share with us what plants fall under each one of those categories starting with the tumor terminators?

DR V: Okay. I do want to mention that I do appreciate your mentioning PubMed because a lot of people, in order to have the confidence to know how powerful nutrition and how powerful natural medicine is, they need to know that there is science behind it which is why there are over 500 published studies that back up what we're talking about here. So, for example, bloodroot. Bloodroot is an herb that has a phytochemical in it called "sanguinare". Sanguinare is like herbal chemotherapy. It literally kills cancer cells without affecting your heathy cells. There are things like apricot seeds, for example, that contain specific enzymes and B17 that helps to break down the cancer cells and weaken them.

DR MIKE: Did you say apricot seeds? Is that what you just said?

DR V: Apricot seeds.

DR MIKE: Wow. I've never heard...I learn all the time, Dr. V. I really do. I mean, of course, we should learn every day, shouldn't we? There's so much information out there. That's a new one for me.

DR V: Yes. Apricot seeds are very high in B17. There's a lot of research that shows that it can inhibit a lot of cancer cells and stops the threat of tumors. It can be very preventative. So, for every 10 pounds of body weight, for prevention, you should eat at last 1 apricot kernel per day. So, if you weigh 120 pounds, eat 12 per day. Increase if you're on a healing journey with cancer. Something as simple as broccoli sprouts. Now, broccoli sprouts is one of my favorites because it has a phytochemical in it called sulforaphane. Sulforaphane has over 60 research articles specifically on its effect on cancer. What it does, basically, is it inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells. It prevents breast cancer stem cell formation which is extremely important in prevention and future growth. It causes cancer cells to die. It suppresses the metastasis and growth of cancer. Curcumin is another powerful one. There are over 200 specific studies on breast cancer alone with curcumin.

DR MIKE: Yes. Lots.

DR V: And, I know that...

DR MIKE: That's great. Now, those are the tumor terminators and I know you could go on there are so many more. What about boosting your immune system? The body builders. What do you like to use there?

DR V: Well, something that is very important are medicinal mushrooms. Things that contain the betaglucans, for example, the medicinal mushroom chaga which is extremely powerful. You can drink it as a tea. You can take it as capsule. It's been used for many, many years as an anti-cancer agent. There are herbs that are in acai tea like burdock root and sheep's sorrel, turkey rhubarb root also. Those all have anti-oxidant and anti-cancer properties. There are all kinds of herbal support that you can use. Things like IP6. Making sure that your probiotics and your gut is healthy. Again, the nutrients like the DIM and I3C, glutathione. Flax seed—something as simple as flax seed. There was a study done in University of Toronto where they measured cancer markers over 30 days. They gave women 5 teaspoons—these women had breast cancer—they gave them 5 teaspoons of ground flax seed. After 30 days, their markers went down from 30-73% just by adding the ground flax seed. So, the list goes on and on.

DR MIKE: That's amazing. Yes. Listen, it's so easy to use in cooking and salads. It's easy to add to just about anything, isn't it? It tastes good. It does. It has great research support behind it.

What about some of your favorite foods real quickly? We've got about a minute or so left. It says here, "Favorite foods that weaken cancer." What do you like to do there?

DR V: Same thing. We go back to the flax seeds because they're plant estrogens. They don't act like estrogen in the body, but they actually have a very protective effect. We talked about (inaudible), magnesium, extremely important, that you can get through foods but also supplementing with that because lack of magnesium is actually pro-carcinogenic. So, make sure that your magnesium levels are high. Omega 3 fatty acids are extremely important in bringing down your breast cancer risk and bringing down the inflammatory factors, vitamin C, selenium, zinc. I mean, zinc is responsible for over 300 enzymatic functions that affect your immune system. So, we can keep going.

DR MIKE: That was perfect, Dr. V. It was perfect. We only have about 20 seconds left anyway. So, her name is

Dr. V. Go ahead and say your full name real quick.

DR V: Véronique Desaulniers.

DR MIKE: I love it. Heal breast cancer naturally. Her website is

This is Healthy Talk on RadioMD. I'm Dr. Mike. Stay well.
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