The U.S. is the largest market for canned tuna in the world.
But, did you know that over 80% of the canned tuna on American shelves is unsustainable and caught using destructive and ethically questionable fishing methods?
American consumers have an important role to play in demanding ocean and people safe products. Fortunately, no matter where people live throughout the United States, there are good options available for purchasing sustainable and ethical tuna products.
Greenpeace USA has identified which brands are questionable, and which are the best options.
According to special guest and Seafood Markets Lead with Greenpeace USA, Graham Forbes, big names like Bumble Bee, Chicken of the Sea and StarKist don’t offer a single easily identified sustainable product under their flagship brands. Forbes says that the brands of Wild Planet, American Tuna and Ocean Naturals received the organization's green rating and are better options to look out for.
Listen in as Forbes joins Andrea and Lisa to share more about sustainable fishing practices, Greenpeace's mission, and how you can play a part in bringing more safe tuna options to the market.