
Sickle Cell Anemia: One Woman’s Journey

From the Show: Health Radio
Summary: What are the current treatment options for sickle cell?
Air Date: 9/21/15
Duration: 10
Host: Melanie Cole, MS
Guest Bio: Jennifer Abrahams, Author
As a born-again Christian and now minister, Jennifer Abrahams is doing nothing but extraordinary things for the Kingdom of God.

After facing her own reality and going through many hard battles, Abrahams decided to write, Love and Wisdom. Through her book, she hopes to touch millions of lives to be the best person they can be. Residing in London, England, Abrahams enjoys singing, drawing, and spending time being a single mother.
Sickle Cell Anemia: One Woman’s Journey
Since she was a young girl, Jennifer Abrahams has suffered with sickle cell anemia.

Sickle cell is a condition that changes normal, round red blood cells into cells that are shaped like half moons.

Sickle cells move through your blood stream and have a higher risk getting stuck on blood vessels, which can stop oxygen from getting through.

With her disease has come hundreds of hospital visits and many diverse pains... but, that hasn't (and won't) stopped her from doing things that she is passionate about.

Listen in as Jennifer Abrahams shares her personal story with sickle cell anemia and the advice she has if you're going through the same thing.