If you have young children in your family, you know firsthand that the holidays can be very busy. It may seem easier to just go off the list of what your child wants.
Even though you may want to give your child as much as you can, it's also important to set boundaries and not give in to spoiling your child an iPad or a brand new Smartphone.
This time of year might be a good time to talk to your children about reflecting on what they already have and what they are thankful for. This doesn't mean you can't give your child a present, but it's important to remember the holiday spirit and giving to those who might be less fortunate, as well as being kind to others.
How else can you teach your children about the importance of giving during the holiday season?
Listen in as Corinn Cross, MD, shares her tips on how to teach your children the importance of giving, as well as some great gift ideas.