Resolutions that Stick Around: Fitness

From the Show: Sharecare
Air Date: 1/12/16
Duration: 10 Minutes
Resolutions that Stick Around: Fitness
If you’re like the majority of Americans, you set at least one New Year’s resolution this year.

There’s a pretty high chance it was health-related, since the number-one resolution in 2015 was to "stay fit and healthy.”

But words don’t always relate to actions.

Of all those that wanted to lose weight in 2015, more than 75 percent did not end up following a weight loss or diet program.

All January, Sharecare Radio is bringing you a special series on “Resolutions that Stick” to make your goals last all year and beyond.

This week focuses on fitness, with guest Steve Kamb of Nerd Fitness. He shares how you can Level Up your life.