SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) has made a career out of sharing her personal, journal-like writings and art, and inspiring others with her vulnerable and honest journeys toward self-acceptance.
She has helped her legions of fans craft lives filled with joy, creativity, and self-love, and she even married herself in a “statement of self-liberation” described in Succulent Wild Woman.
And yet, SARK had one big secret wish: overcoming her fears to commit to an intimate life partnership.
So she embarked on a “Covert Love Operation,” and, after much soul-shaping, it culminated in her meeting psychologist and spiritual teacher Dr. John Waddell. They now teach and mentor together using the principles in their book, Succulent Wild Love: Six Powerful Habits for Feeling More Love More Often.
These six powerful habits can transform any relationship or open you to create the partnership you want... or provide you with the tools to be "soulfully single."
Listen in as SARK joins Andrea and Lisa to share more about the book, including specific tips for improving relationships, finances, and your overall health.