
How to Balance Dietary Choices & Supplements

From the Show: The Wizard of Eyes
Summary: Is optimal health achieved with dietary choices, supplementation, or a combination of both?
Air Date: 3/28/16
Duration: 10
Host: Robert Abel, Jr., MD
Guest Bio: Stuart M. Swinger, Owner of Nature's Way
Stuart-SingerStuart M. Swinger has been the owner of Nature’s Way Health Food Store for 35 years. He is Certified in Applied Clinical Nutrition and has a B.S. in Nutrition from the University of Delaware. Stuart also does wellness consulting based on individual clients' needs.
How to Balance Dietary Choices & Supplements
With a long history in health food and supplements, Stuart Swinger continues to spread the word about combining both dietary choices and nutritional supplements to achieve optimal health.

With his own clients, Stuart takes all life factors into consideration, including previous health diagnoses, exercise adherence, nutritional needs, stress levels, and even body shape.

Listen in to learn which supplements Stuart recommends specifically for eye health, as well as other supplements that can be beneficial for overall health.