Studies have shown that millions of pre-teen and teenage girls already experience symptoms around compromised pelvic health, including too many UTIs and too much constipation.
These symptoms alone can follow girls into adulthood, creating negative bladder and bowel conditions, not to mention the discomfort they may feel now (and the discomfort they have in talking about it).
Pelvic health disorders (PHDs) affect one out of three women in the U.S. and cost Americans over 30 billion dollars per year for the care and treatment of many largely preventable issues. Empowering girls with knowledge now may begin to diminish the rising costs of women’s pelvic healthcare.
Most importantly, teaching our girls to “be large and in charge of their own pelvic region” will help them avoid the physical pain and social isolation that can accompany poor pelvic health... and instead, thrive with vibrant quality of life.
Missy Lavender, Founder and Executive Director of the Women's Health Foundation joins hosts Andrea and Lisa to discuss pelvic health in young girls, as well as the research she and her cohorts conducted to prepare for her co-authored book, Below Your Belt: A Girl’s Guide To Pelvic Health.