Rage can take control of your emotions and lead to greater stress. It can cause car accidents and damage relationships.
But, anger does serve a purpose. It's a signal to turn attention inward to see what's causing the feeling. Looking behind your anger, you may find fear, loss of control, shame, anxiety, feelings of being threatened or ignored. You may have unrealistic expectations or you may be too rigid in holding onto your expectations.
What are you really concerned about? What are your expectations for your anger? Is is based on emotion or events in the world?
Some anger is hereditary. It feels familiar and familial.
If your loved one is angry, focus yourself before erupting. Calm your own body and breathe. You can ask what's behind the anger and see if you can help with those feelings. Don't shout across the house. Invite the person to sit in a comfortable chair and discuss calmly.
If you suppress your anger, it will manifest in physical conditions or an emotional explosion. Address it as it comes up.
Listen in as Dr. Bernard Golden shares how to understand anger and get something out of it.