
Go Green, Get Lean

From the Show: CLEAN Food Network
Summary: Learn how you can shrink your waistline and your carbon footprint.
Air Date: 7/11/16
Duration: 10 Minutes
Guest Bio: Kate Geagan, MS, RD
Kate-GeaganOne of America’s most recognized nutritionists, Kate Geagan is an award-winning dietitian who has helped millions fall in love with food that powers a vibrant, high energy life.

She is an internationally known author, speaker, consultant and nutrition communications expert, as well as a spokesperson for several global brands in the organic and natural space.
  • Book Title: Go Green Get Lean: Trim Your Waistline with the Ultimate Low-Carbon Footprint Diet
  • Guest Twitter Account: @greeneating
Go Green, Get Lean
Imagine if the food you fed yourself and your family was delicious, easy and a whole lot better for the planet.

One of the first Registered Dietitians in the country to marry the concepts of nutrition guidance with a healthier food system from the ground (and ocean) up, Kate Geagan's groundbreaking book, Go Green Get Lean: Trim Your Waistline with the Ultimate Low-Carbon Footprint Diet, has been a go-to work for health professionals and consumers alike seeking to shrink their waistline and their carbon footprint... and discover more energy in the process.

Listen in as Kate joins host Lisa Davis to share more about her book, how she came to the "going green" understanding, and tips for getting started on going green and getting lean.