Are "Cheat Days" the Key to Long-Lasting Weight Loss?
Research published by the International Journal of Obesity revealed the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to take a two-week break from dieting.
In this four-month study, they compared obese people who cut calories and followed a restricted diet to people who went on the same diet for only two weeks and then took a two week break. After analyzing the data, they found the group that took breaks lost 50 percent more weight than those who didn’t.
Also, those who deviated from the plan shed the most fat (meaning those who weren’t as strict during the two weeks of actual dieting did better).
Researchers followed up six months later and discovered both groups regained weight. However, those who took two-week breaks were about 18 pounds lighter than those who followed the diet continuously. That means, the long-term results were also better for those doing the intermittent dieting.
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Write Those Worries Down!
People worry a lot, which leads to stress, anxiety and many related diseases. The majority of these worries are based on feelings or future events that might never happen.
A whopping 75 percent of people fall into the chronic "worry wart" category.
Writing down what’s stressing you out can help to alleviate your problems, according to a new study from Michigan State University published in the Journal of Psychophysiology.
By getting your worries out of your head and on paper, your cognitive resources are freed up, allowing you to become more efficient. Plus, it helps your immune system.
Artificial Sweeteners Linked to Diabetes
People choose artificial sweeteners in place of real sugar to help them combat their weight and reduce the risk of developing diabetes, but according to The European Association for the Study of Diabetes, artificial sweeteners predispose users to developing type-2 diabetes.
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