Life's Too Short... so make the most of it! Try something new, eat something healthy, grow something beautiful, hug someone you love, move around a lot, and be kind to yourself. Melanie Cole, MS brings you the best tips from lifestyle and fitness experts to the best and brightest medical professionals.

Plans for When Hunger Strikes

From the Show: Life's Too Short
Summary: Make smart food choices when life has other plans.
Air Date: 10/17/17
Duration: 16:26
Host: Melanie Cole, MS
Guest Bio: Brian Parr, PhD
Dr. Brian ParrBrian Parr, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Exercise and Sports Science at the University of South Carolina Aiken where he teaches courses in exercise physiology, nutrition, and health behaviors.

He also conducts research related to physical activity and weight loss.
When trying to change your eating habits, planning is your best friend. No matter how much you plan, things come up that can throw you off the rails.

Planning Ahead

Starting your day with some food on board can help you resist cravings a little later. Stick to proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Prepare something that you can take with you instead of planning to pick something up along the way. Fruit, cheese sticks, and toast are great for grab-and-go. Figure out what works for you so you don’t have to eat convenience foods.

It’s easy to prepare for lunch. Pack your own healthy lunch while you’re making meals for your kids.

Change of Plans

Your healthy lunch was packed but it’s a co-worker’s birthday and you have to go out. Someone brings in homemade treats. You have to skip lunch for a meeting. All of your plans are derailed.

Put together a plan-B bag of healthy snacks that you can keep with you. Baggies of nuts, fresh fruit, whole grain bread sandwiches and vegetables make fantastic little snacks.

Are you eating when you aren’t really hungry? Have a glass of water to see if you’re actually thirsty. Boredom can also seem like hunger. Find something to do like taking a walk through the office. If you’re still hungry, dig into your plan-B bag.

If you have to eat something that wasn’t on your plan, be sensible. Let this be your one cheat meal for the week. Limit portion sizes. There’s no need to binge and there’s no need to deny yourself. Going off your plan is not a license to clear your plate of a large portion.

Listen as Dr. Brian Parr joins Melanie Cole, MS, to share how to win with eating habits when life has other plans.