In 2015, more than 190 independent scientists from 39 countries even got together to warn the public that “EMFs are potentially harmful to all life.”
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All around the world, these countries are taking action to protect their citizens (especially children) against these abusive levels of EMF pollution.
The French, German and Spanish governments have even issued recommendations to ban WiFi from schools because of the developmental problems it could potentially cause in children.
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This might be because German research dating back from 2004 had found that just 24 hours of EMF exposure can induce more DNA damage than 1,600 chest x-rays.
If you live in a nation that isn't all that concerned about your safety, how can you protect yourself?
Nicolas Pineault, author of The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs, joins Dr. Friedman to share easy and cheap solutions to reduce dangerous EMF exposure by 95 percent... none of which include living off the grid without electricity or shredding your phone to pieces.

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