He knew that a diagnosis should not be one's destiny.
In his book Rebuild: Five Proven Steps to Move from Diagnosis to Recovery and Be Healthier Than Before, Dr. Z provides simple yet proven guidelines to ensure what you eat, how you exercise, and manage other aspects of your lifestyle contribute to your personal recovery and level of health you want to achieve.
Dr. Z’s advice is radically practical: no fads and no extremes. Just sound, actionable strategies rooted in real science. Leveraging cutting-edge research in epigenetics and the root causes of chronic illness, Rebuild can help you prevent disease and recover from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease, or other chronic health issues.
In the book, Dr. Z explains:
- How specific nutrients reverse the mechanisms of disease.
- Key exercises to speed you through recovery.
- How chronic stress impairs your ability to heal.
- The right amount of sleep to reverse chronic health issues.
- Which toxins in foods are linked to the most serious disease.
- A simple yet sustainable plan to get rid of toxic feat and get lean.
- Specific medical tests to understand your condition.