
How to Maximize Your Brain Health for the Long Term with Dr. John E. Lewis, Part 2

From the Show: Your Brain Health
Summary: Get more information on how you can take better care of your brain.
Air Date: 3/14/19
Duration: 16:08
Host: Kristen Willeumier, PhD
Guest Bio: John E. Lewis, PhD
The work of Dr. John E. Lewis spans many years in the conduct of studies in nutrition, dietary supplements, exercise, medical devices, and health promotion. Dr. Lewis has been the CEO of his own academic research and educational enterprise for nearly the last two decades prior to leaving the University of Miami full-time. During his career, he raised or indirectly supported raising millions of dollars in grants, gifts, and contracts for research and educational programs. He has been the principal investigator or co-investigator of over 40 different studies to date. In addition to being an invited speaker at medical and scientific conferences all over the world, John has co-authored more than 170 peer-reviewed publications in some of the leading scientific journals, such as AIDS and Behavior, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, American Journal of Public Health, Nutrition and Cancer: An International Journal, Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, Sports Medicine, Stroke, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and The Gerontologist.
How to Maximize Your Brain Health for the Long Term with Dr. John E. Lewis, Part 2
Dr. Willeumier continues her dialogue with Dr. John E. Lewis as the two share insightful information on best practices in addressing brain function for life.