In her new book, Beyond Soap, Dr. Sandy Skotnicki sheds new light on our understanding of skin and explains how aggressive cleansing rituals and modern-day beauty products are negatively impacting our bodies.
From eczema to dermatitis, Dr. Skotnicki reveals the compelling correlation between our modern-day hygiene practices and a global uptick in skin problems. She cites research indicating how frequent all-over washing and harsh cleansers play a role in predisposing kids to irritating skin conditions and atopy-related allergies.
Rather than slathering on soaps that disrupt the skin’s pH and bacterial properties, Dr. Skotnicki argues for a less-is-more approach that protects the body’s inherent barrier and microbial protections that assist with many of the body’s core functions including digestion, mood stabilization and immunity.
Listen as Dr. Skotnicki joins Dr. Roizen to share more about this topic.
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