For decades we've been told high cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Our guest today stunned the medical community when he co-authored the book The Great Cholesterol Myth. A revised and expanded edition was just released, revealing even more evidence on the true culprits of heart disease, including inflammation, fibrinogen, triglycerides, homocysteine, belly fat, triglyceride to HDL ratios, and high glycemic levels.
The book also offers readers a four-part strategy based on the latest studies and clinical findings for effectively preventing, managing, and reversing heart disease, focusing on diet, exercise, supplements, and stress and anger management.
Dr. Jonny Bowden has a Masters in Psychology, and a Ph.D. in nutrition, and is the author of 12 books. He is a frequent guest on radio and TV outlets.
in this episode, he talks about why he released this second edition of his bestseller, why the current cholesterol screening is "dinosaur medicine," statin drugs, coffee, and more!