Life comes with hardships. For some people being single is difficult, while for others staying married is stressful. Having kids is tough, yet for some people, so is not having children to share their life with. Being overworked can cause stress, but so does being unemployed.
Joining us today is Susie Moore: a life coach, and bestselling author of Let It Be Easy. She believes while we can't always control what happens to us, we can choose how we react. Our thoughts, create our emotions, which create our actions, and that in turn creates the life we live.
Susie Moore is a former Silicon Valley sales director turned life coach and advice columnist. Her work has been featured on The Today Show, Oprah Business Insider, CNN, and more. Listen to this joyful interview as Susie tells us how to slow down, and enjoy the everyday moments we often fly by rushing to finish our to-do lists.
Find out more about her work at