Lauren Allen

Lauren Allen

Lauren Allen (Scialabba) is the Assistant Director of Operations and Producer at Doctorpodcasting where she helps marketing departments in healthcare organizations grow their podcast library and assist their needs on a daily basis. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with family, eating pizza, and soaking up Chicago's summer weather.
Monday, 16 December 2013 13:45

Tilapia: Worse for You than Bacon?

Tilapia: Worse for You than Bacon?
Where you buy your fish may determine how healthy it is for you.
Monday, 16 December 2013 13:11

Medical Mistakes: How to Avoid Misdiagnoses

Medical Mistakes: How to Avoid Misdiagnoses
Mistakes in medical diagnoses can cost you in money, invasive procedures and even death. And it's scary just how often they occur.
Monday, 16 December 2013 13:00

Brittle Winter Hair: The Healthy Hair Diet

Brittle Winter Hair: The Healthy Hair Diet
Frizzy, dry, brittle hair can leave your scalp flaky and itchy, especially in the brutal winter months. Could the solution lie in the foods you eat?
This Natural Supplement Helps Suppress Appetite
Suppress your appetite and stop cheating on your diet by taking white kidney bean extract.
Thursday, 12 December 2013 15:33

Cooking Healthy Food for the Holidays

Cooking Healthy Food for the Holidays
It's not rocket science... you can make healthy holiday meals that taste good too.
Thursday, 12 December 2013 15:22

Boswellia: Mystical Plant for Managing Pain

Boswellia: Mystical Plant for Managing Pain
Also known as frankincense, boswellia produces a sap containing anti-inflammatory and antiseptic compounds.
Thursday, 12 December 2013 15:11

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Pain

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Pain
Changing ingrained habits can be a painful process. However, it's an essential part of leading a pain -ree life.
Thursday, 12 December 2013 15:00

Probiotics Essential for a Healthy Gut

Probiotics Essential for a Healthy Gut
Replenishing your gut with probiotics can lead to fewer chronic diseases and a stronger immune system.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013 15:45

Is Your Leaky Gut to Blame for Hot Flashes?

Is Your Leaky Gut to Blame for Hot Flashes?
A common saying in Naturopathic Medicine is, "if you want to heal the person, heal the gut."
Wednesday, 11 December 2013 15:33

Sleep: The Best Medicine Around

Sleep: The Best Medicine Around
Let's face it, your day really starts the night before.