
Secrets Your Heart Doctor May Not Tell You
Featured Speaker: Kira Schmid
As much as you'd like to trust your doctor, there are things they may neglect to tell you regarding heart health.
The Mediterranean Diet Makes Cancer Cells Mortal
Featured Speaker: Helayne Waldman
New research suggests that a compound abundant in the Mediterranean diet takes away cancer cells' "superpower" to escape death.
The Whole Food Diet for Breast Cancer Survivors
Featured Speaker: Helayne Waldman
Breast cancer survivors can increase their odds of living a long, disease-free life by eating whole foods.
Coffee Drinking Slashes Your Risk of Stroke
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Recent evidence indicates that coffee drinking can improve endothelial function, reducing your risk of stroke.
Does Surgery Increase the Risk of Cancer Spread?
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Even though it contradicts conventional thinking, the facts are undeniable: cancer surgery can increase the risk of metastasis.
Are Dog Toys Leaking Dangerous Chemicals?
Featured Speaker: Dr. Kim Wooten, PhD
Dogs that chew on plastic toys may be exposed to hormone-altering chemicals. Is your furry friend at risk?
How to Start a Brain Fitness Program
Featured Speaker: Alvaro Fernandez, CEO of SharpBrains
Can you really exercise your brain? Yes! Learn how to effectively enhance your brain function.
Enhancing Brain Function: What Really Works?
Featured Speaker: Alvaro Fernandez, CEO of SharpBrains
From brain games to fish oils, learn what really works for enhancing brain function.
Intermittent Fasting Extends Lifespan
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Intermittent fasting has been practiced for centuries but is now making a pretty big comeback. Why? Because, research shows it can add years to your life.
Is Blue Corn Healthy or Harmful?
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Blue corn is loaded with the same type of antioxidants as blueberries and tart cherries. But, is it healthy? Or potentially harmful?