
10 Guiding Principles to Reduce ADHD Behavior
Featured Speaker: Dr. Craig Wiener, EdD
Learning these ten principles for managing ADHD may help you to maintain a pleasant relationship with your child.
5 Ways Parents Reinforce ADHD Symptoms
Featured Speaker: Dr. Craig Wiener, EdD
Learn about a groundbreaking program for parents seeking to reduce their child's ADHD symptoms.
Can Phosphatidylserine Improve ADHD in Kids?
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Researchers have identified a connection between childhood ADHD and deficiencies in essential fats and phospholipids.
The Trinity of Nutrients for Lowering Blood Pressure
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Three nutrients are proven safe and effective for lowering blood pressure – in some cases even better than prescription drugs.
The Lesser-Known Heart Disease Risk Factors
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Statin drugs have failed to eradicate heart disease. Why? Because lowering cholesterol is only one of several risk factors.
Natural Ways to Safely Lower Your Cholesterol
Featured Speaker: Mark Estren, PhD
Treating high cholesterol and lowering your risk of heart disease is very possible with diet, exercise and supplements.
Statin Drugs: Miraculous or Misguided?
Featured Speaker: Mark Estren, PhD
Almost everything that people think they know about statins is wrong. Join us as we bust the myths.
Burning Fat Without Stimulants
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Research shows how a new plant extract called Fucoxanthin safely reduces body fat without stimulating your brain or heart, while lowering disease risk factors.
Can Melatonin Help Relieve Pain?
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According to mounting research, melatonin, often used to ease insomnia, can also help relieve pain.
Will Improving Coordination Make You Smarter?
Featured Speaker: Brad Evans
Is it possible to become smarter by improving your coordination?