If you're a nurse or doctor in the ER, you might see a number of patients who have tried to commit suicide.
Sally Buchanan-Hagen, RN, noticed a stigma around patients that would come in with "serious" visible marks or injuries, and those with "not-so-serious" injuries (like a less lethal medication dose, lesions that aren't fatal). She observed that those with more serious injuries were treated with compassion and understanding while the others were referred to as "time wasters" and treated poorly.
Buchanan-Hagen was diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder and tried to take her own life at age 23. "I was determined to take my life. However, just because I didn't end up in the emergency department didn't make my determination to kill myself less serious."
According to the World Health Organization, 800,000 people commit suicide every year, and for every successful suicide, there are many who will also try to attempt it.
Why does the ER stigma need to be changed?
Listen in as Buchanan-Hagen shares her personal story of battling bipolar while being scrutinized in the ER, as well as why the negative stigma around suicide and mental health needs to be changed.