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Life's Too Short... so make the most of it! Try something new, eat something healthy, grow something beautiful, hug someone you love, move around a lot, and be kind to yourself. Melanie Cole, MS brings you the best tips from lifestyle and fitness experts to the best and brightest medical professionals.

Are You Losing Your Hearing?

From the Show: Life's Too Short
Summary: Is your hearing at risk?
Air Date: 3/28/17
Duration: 15:00
Guest Bio: Thomas A. Powers, PhD
Dr. Tom PowersThomas A. Powers, PhD, is the former Vice-President, Government Services and Professional Relations for Sivantos, Inc. Dr. Powers now serves as a Senior Consultant for Sivantos, working with research partners, industry topics and government contract topics. In addition, he is the audiology industry expert consultant for Better Hearing Institute.

Dr. Powers received his B.S. from the State University of New York at Geneseo, and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Audiology from Ohio University.  He began his career as a partner in an Audiology private practice, and has over 35 years of experience in the hearing health care industry.

Dr. Powers is a member of American Academy of Audiology (AAA), Academy of Dispensing Audiologists (ADA), American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (ASHA),  and served as President of the American Auditory Society (AAS) from 2004–2006.

Dr. Powers currently holds an appointment as assistant professor in the Graduate Faculty in Biomedicine at Salus University as well as an adjunct appointment at Central Michigan University.

Dr. Powers has lectured extensively at state, national and international meetings and published over 40 articles.  His primary areas of expertise include hearing instrument technology, industry trends, and outcome measures.
Hearing loss was once thought to be an elderly person's problem.

But, younger and younger folks are becoming hard of hearing.

Hearing loss does take time to develop after continuous noise exposure. If you have your headphones too loud too frequently, you may experience some hearing loss in your younger years.

Are You Endangering Your Hearing?

You take out your earbuds and experience a ringing sensation, dull hearing or you miss someone calling your name. You should recover in a few hours from a single exposure but it takes a toll.

Limit your exposure to loud noises. Consider headphones or earplugs when operating noisy equipment. Turn down the music.

Get your hearing checked every three to five years after age 40. Annual checks are a good idea when you are 50 and older.

There are discreet hearing aids now available if your physician discovers you need hearing assistance.

Listen as Dr. Tom Powers joins Melanie Cole, MS, to share how to prevent hearing loss.