One of the most recent debates within the medical world affects women who have the BRCA gene and who are presented with the decision of whether or not they should get a mastectomy.
While genetic testing has been a successful method of assessing families that may be at risk with a history of cancer, there are many common misperceptions about the BRCA gene, its role in determining risk of developing cancer, and the importance of BRCA testing at the time of diagnosis.
There are many factors to consider: everything from cost, to who should be tested, to when... but, the truth is that BRCA testing is just as important upon diagnosis as it is before, and it can help doctors and patients decide on the best course of treatment.
What's the first thing you should do if you've found out that you have the BRCA gene?
Richard T. Penson, MD, and survivor and advocate, Cindy McKinnon, join Melanie Cole, MS, to share the misconceptions of BRCA testing.